George Heriot (1759 -1839)

New acquisition

Thanks to a generous gift by The W.W. Spooner Charitable Trust we are now the proud owner of a watercolour by George Heriot.

The watercolour shows Scarthin Nick on the road between Cromford and Matlock Bath. When Heriot painted the view in 1819, the turnpike road (what is now the A6) had just been completed. Before this date, the track through Scarthin Rock had been steep, narrow, and difficult to pass. Heriot’s view shows horses and carriages now passing through with ease.  The road was widened again in 1960-1961 to make a two-lane road, suitable for the increasing number of cars.

Heriot’s view is a hive of activity with on-lookers watching the industrial activities that seem to be taking place. People are on the rock face, possibly removing stone and someone else looks to be mending a wheel, or perhaps sharpening a tool on it.

Heriot was 60 when he painted this view. Although born in Scotland he is most well-known for his views in the West Indies and Canada.